Inter-species space law.

Metalaw, meta-law, metalegal, xenology & space law issues.


We are an organization of experts and interested parties developing legal frameworks for dealing with alien intelligences.

We're dedicated to the work we do on behalf of all humanity. Metalaw focuses on the development of laws that could in future be utilized when humanity meets or contacts intelligent life from other worlds. It is deemed essential that humanity thinks out, in advance, the parameters by which we would encourage aliens to deal with us, and by which we would propose to deal with them,
Metalaw is a subset of space law, It deals with metalegal issues, those being rules to deal with interactions between humanity and aliens. There is a tremendous and growing interest in the possibility that humankind may one day encounter other life of high intelligence. This may occur as direct  encounters with beings from extraterrestrial civilizations. It is more likely to occur as indirect communications with them or contact with spacecraft they sent to explore the universe.

In anticipation of such an encounter, serious thinkers have been contemplating the ethical, moral and “legal” structure that can be applied at the time. Humankind needs to think ahead, and be ready to deal with alien intelligences in an enlightened manner. The concept of metalaw, sometimes spelled meta-law, is the conceptual framework of legal constructs humanity may utilize in dealing with intelligent alien life.

Metalaw is the legal specialty considering how mankind can deal with alien intelligences from the perspective of a codified system of beliefs, morals and ethics. The thought is that by preparing a body of law by which we will seek to deal with extraterrestrials in advance of encountering them, we will be better prepared to treat them in a civilized manner, and to show them, by example, how we wish to be treated. Some have proposed that the rudimentary proposition of law that humans can take in this regard is “the golden rule”… to do to others as you would wish them do to you.

Metalaw engages developing metalegal principles dealing with humanity’s eventual interaction with intelligent extraterrestrial species. It is distinguished from space law in that the latter deals primarily with how humans use space and how they deal with each other in the exploration of space.

The Metalaw Association is a group of legal experts and interested lay persons developing the moral, ethical and legal constructs proposed to be used by humanity when we someday interact with other intelligent life in our vast universe.

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​Metalaw, as a subset of space law, was first proposed in 1956 in a Harvard University law journal article and has been developing over time since its inception decades ago .

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History of Metalaw

As part of the development of metalaw, the possible life forms to be dealt with must be considered.

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Metalaw Association